Your Mental Health Matters.

Take control of your health with therapy.

Accessible Therapy

Finding credible help that is easy to access can be hard. That’s why I specialize in virtual therapy. So, whether you log on from home, while on a walk, or during a break from work, you can quickly get the support you need.

My Mission

To provide rewarding therapeutic experiences where clients feel safe to process their emotions and are encouraged to explore new ways of functioning. Everyone deserves support in their journey towards health, healing, and happiness.

Mental Health

My areas of specialty include Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Grief.

Anxiety can wreak havoc on your life. It can make simple tasks hard, decision- making unmanageable, and relaxing and enjoying life seem impossible. See if you have extreme forms of stress that are negatively impacting you by talking with a therapist. Discover the root causes of your distress and explore ways to manage these emotions so you can live happily and freely.

Depression can sneak up on you without your awareness and it can be dark, scary, and lonely. Depression also includes extreme fatigue and tiredness, and loss of motivation or interest in things you have always cared about. Talking with someone can help you understand what you are feeling and why. In therapy you can also learn tools to help support your mood and fight depression.

ADHD is commonly misunderstood. People with ADHD are wrongly labeled as unorganized, messy, and less intelligent, which contributes to the high levels of anxiety and depression people with ADHD face. People with ADHD process information differently (and are oftentimes very creative and deep thinkers) and this means they do things differently than those without ADHD. Different does not mean wrong or bad. It is important for people with ADHD to embrace who they are so they can learn ways to best support themselves.

Grief is deep sorrow from loss. Loss can be the result of someone’s passing, the ending of a relationship, denial of a career, and more. Trauma can also elicit grief, making grief very complicated and heavy. Grief makes many people uncomfortable, therefore, those experiencing it often feel lonely and shunned. Grief is a natural and universal response to loss. Spending time sharing about your losses and learning how to express your grief is instrumental for your mental wellbeing.

Areas of Focus

Healthy Habits

Sometimes, we must unlearn habits to make room for new, healthier, and more rewarding ways of living. I aim to help clients understand what their needs are so they can adopt strategies that help them function through life with more ease, confidence, and success.

This may mean finding habits that help you stay on task and increase productivity or creating routines that help you wind down and get good sleep at night. This may look like developing strategies to help you get through difficult feelings of doubt, loneliness or worry, or this could mean challenging your problematic thoughts with developing more useful thought patterns.

Whatever the case may be, spending time assessing your life and how you function through it is eye-opening and can lead to finding the keys to health, success, and happiness.

Processing Emotions

Another reason people come to therapy is to work through complex emotions and difficult experiences. Therapy is a place where clients can safely share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative repercussions.

“The only way out is through” - Robert Frost

Processing is the best way to get “un-stuck”, and doing this in a therapeutic setting where you can learn is instrumental. To protect ourselves, we often rely on avoiding or stuffing hard and hurtful things, which ultimately can complicate things further. If neglected, these intense emotions can show up at seemingly random and inconvenient times and we are left unaware of how to manage them. When this happens, we become reactive and feel as though we have lost control. This is a scary place to be, but by taking time to allow these emotions to surface, you give yourself the opportunity to learn how to how through them and you feel more in control of your reactions, health, and life. Discovering the sources to our surface level problems and feelings relies on our ability to process, so mastering this skill is quite impactful.

We also may struggle to express ourselves or even know ourselves if we fail to take time to process our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.


If you are struggling with or are interested in learning about specific mental health diagnoses, I am experienced in working with individuals with anxiety, depression, bipolar, postpartum, mild forms of OCD, ADHD/ADD, and dyslexia.

Among other topics, I see clients for things like grief and loss, stress, burn-out, uncertainty, low self-esteem, identity development, career stressors, school struggles, difficult life transitions, pregnancy and motherhood, miscarrying, postpartum, empty nesting, family and relationship challenges, communication skills, organization and executive functioning skills, conflict, self-care, grounding skills, emotional regulation, and more.


I am certified in grief counseling and take special interest in providing a safe space for people who are facing tragic loss. Being able to own and navigate one’s grief is instrumental for one’s health and life, and I am honored to offer people the time and space to do this work.

Start your therapy journey.

Lets Connect

To learn more or to see if therapy with me is right for you, fill out your name, email, and a message below. You can also email me directly at or call (301)-202-4723.

A message from Paige

Hello and welcome!

I am so glad you have found your way to my website. I’m a highly trained and experienced therapist who loves connecting with others to discuss all things health related. Facing my own mental health struggles through tragic loss, navigating the world with ADHD, and battling the pressures of society, has shown me the importance of setting aside time to work on your mental health. Without this, we may never get to experience real healing and growth. I am passionate about helping others learn how to care for themselves so they can achieve the life they want. Whether you would benefit from processing difficult emotions, learning how to support your mood, combating your anxieties, or creating habits that make life easier, therapy is a good starting place.

Thank you,

Paige Prestipino